Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My five year plan.

Year 1:
-Graduate from SNC

-Organize my work for a portfolio

-Start designing and customizing computer cases again

-Work with screen printing

-Find a job in IT

-Have a website running

Year 2:

-Make an animation

-Sell things off website

-Have work displayed somewhere



Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My artist statment rough draft

My work is about reintroducing my myself back into my work, where computer aided work has dominated and caused a disconnect from the final product. To the point that it doesn't feel like it's mine. So the use of charcoal in my work engages a deep connection with the work again.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Countdown to JAPR

Week one:

Rough sketch of seven pieces.

Weeks two

Figure out what size paper, order supplies

Buy frame’s or buy wood for frames.

Week three

Have two drawing completed

Have frame carving designed

Week four

Have three more drawings done

Have frames carved

Week five

Finish last two drawing

Frames stained

Figure out what to say about work.

Week six

Have time to fix or change things